Juvenile Numbered & Other Novels
- 1 - The Star Ghost by Brad Strickland - February 1994
- 2 - Stowaways by Brad Strickland, Todd Cameron Hamilton (Illustrator) - April 1994
- 3 - Prisoners of Peace by John Peel, Todd Cameron Hamilton (Illustrator), Lisa Clancy (Editor) - October 1994
- 5 - Arcade by Diana G. Gallagher, Todd Cameron Hamilton (Illustrator) - June 1995
- 6 - Field Trip by John Peel, Todd Cameron Hamilton (Illustrator) - August 1995
- 7 - Gypsy World by Ted Pedersen - February 1996
- 8 - Highest Score by Kem Antilles - June 1996
- 9 - Cardassian Imps by Mel Gilden - February 1997
- 10 - Space Camp by Ted Pedersen - June 1997
- 12 - Trapped in Time by Ted Pedersen - February 1998
- Honor Bound: Day of Honor by Diana G. Gallagher, Gordon Purcell (Illustrator) - October 1997
Novels, Reference Books In Publication Release Order
- The Search by Diane Carey - October 1994
- The Making of Star Trek Deep Space Nine by Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens - December 1994
- The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition by Ira Steven Behr - July 1995
- The Way of The Warrior by Diane Carey - October 1995
- The Art of Star Trek : Thirty Years of Creating the Future by Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens - November 1995
- Warped by K. W. Jeter - April 1996
- Star Trek: Klingon by Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine K. Rusch - May 1996
- Trials and Tribble-Ations by Diane L. Carey - December 1996
- The Legends of the Ferengi by Ira Steven Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe - August 1997
- Armageddon Sky (Day of Honor, Book 2) by L. A. Graf - September 1997
- Far Beyond the Stars: Star Trek Deep Space Nine by Steven Barnes - April 1998
- Call To Arms: The Dominion War Book 2 by Diane Carey - October 1998
- Deep Space Nine: Technical Manual by Herman Zimmerman, Rick Sternbach, Doug Drexler - November 1998
- Sacrifice of Angels: The Dominion War Book 4 by
Diane Carey - November 1998
- What You Leave Behind by Diane Carey - June 1999
- The Mist : The Captain's Table, Book 3 by Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch - October 1999
- The Lives of Dax by Marco Palmieri - December 1999
- The Badlands, Vol 1 by Susan Wright - December 1999
- The Badlands, Vol 2 by Susan Wright - December 1999
- The Fall of Terok Nor (Millennium Book 1 of 3) by Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens - March 2000
- The War of the Prophets (Millennium Book 2 of 3) by Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens - March 2000
- Inferno (Millennium Book 3 of 3) Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens - April 2000
- Deep Space Nine Companion Terry J. Erdmann, Paula M. Block (Contributor) - August 2000
- Dark Passions Book One by Susan Wright - January 2001
- Dark Passions Book Two by Susan Wright - January 2001
- Avatar: Book One by S. D. Perry - May 2001
- Avatar: Book Two by S. D. Perry - May 2001
- Section 31: Abyss by Jeffrey Lang, David Weddle - June 2001
- Gateways #4: Demons of Air and Darkness (DS9) by Keith R. A. DeCandido - August 2001
- Twilight (Mission Gamma, Book 1) by David R. George III - September 2002
- This Gray Spirit (Mission Gamma, Book 2) by Heather Jarman - September 2002
- Cathedral (Mission Gamma, Book 3) by Heather Jarman - October 2002
- Lesser Evil (Mission Gamma, Book 4) by Robert Simpson - October 2002
- Rising Son by S.D. Perry - December 2002
- The Lives of Dax by Marco Palmieri - December 31, 2002
- The Left Hand of Destiny, Book 1 by J. G. Hertzler and Jeffrey Lang - April 2003
- The Left Hand of Destiny, Book 2 by J. G. Hertzler and Jeffrey Lang - May 2003
- Prophecy and Change by Marco Palmieri - Septemer 2003
- The Art of the Impossible (Star Trek: The Lost Era, 2328-2346) by Keith R.A. DeCandido - October 2003
- Unity by S.D. Perry - November 2003
- Catalyst of Sorrows (Star Trek: The Lost Era, 2360) by Margaret Wander Bonanno - January 2004
- Cardassia and Andor (Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Vol. 1) by Una McCormack and Heather Jarman - June 2004
- Trill and Bajor (Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Vol. 2) by Andy Mangels, Michael A. Martin, J. Noah Kym - January 25, 2005
- The Dominion and Ferenginar (Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Vol. 3) by David R. George III, Keith R.A. DeCandido - January 25, 2005
- Hollow Men by Una McCormack - April 26, 2005
- Warpath by David Mack - March 28, 2006
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Computer & Video Games
DVDs listed first, then VHS
- Star Trek Deep Space Nine - The Complete Seasons 1-7 DVD
- Star Trek: DS9 - The Complete First Season (1993) DVD
- Star Trek: DS9 - The Complete Second Season (1994) DVD
- Star Trek: DS9 - The Complete Third Season (1995) DVD
- Star Trek: DS9 - The Complete Fourth Season (1996) DVD
- Star Trek: DS9 - The Complete Fifth Season (1997) DVD
- Star Trek: DS9 - The Complete Sixth Season (1998) DVD
- Star Trek: DS9 - The Complete Seventh Season (1999) DVD
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Behind the Scenes VHS
- #1 & #2 (1993) The Emissary VHS
- #3 (1993) A Man Alone VHS
- #4 (1993) Past Prologue VHS
- #5 (1993) Babel VHS
- #6 (1993) Captive Pursuit VHS
- #7 (1993) Q-Less VHS
- #8 (1993) Dax VHS
- #9 (1993) The Passenger VHS
- #10 (1993) Move Along Home VHS
- #11 (1993) The Nagus VHS
- #12 (1993) Vortex VHS
- #13 (1993) Battle Lines VHS
- #14 (1993) The Storyteller VHS
- #15 (1993) Progress VHS
- #16 (1993) If Wishes Were Horses VHS
- #17 (1993) The Forsaken VHS
- #18 (1993) Dramatis Personae VHS
- #19 (1993) Duet VHS
- #20 (1993) In the Hands of the Prophets VHS
- #21 (1993) The Homecoming VHS
- #22 (1993) The Circle VHS
- #23 (1993) The Siege VHS
- #24 (1993) Invasive Procedures VHS
- #25 (1993) Cardassians VHS
- #26 (1993) Melora VHS
- #27 (1993) Rules of Acquisition VHS
- #28 (1993) Necessary Evil VHS
- #29 (1993) Second Sight VHS
- #30 (1993) Sanctuary VHS
- #31 (1994) Rivals VHS
- #32 (1994) The Alternate VHS
- #33 (1994) Armageddon Game VHS
- #34 (1994) Whispers VHS
- #35 (1994) Paradise VHS
- #36 (1994) Shadowplay VHS
- #37 (1994) Playing God VHS
- #38 (1994) Profit and Loss VHS
- #39 (1994) Blood Oath VHS
- #40 (1994) The Maquis, Part 1 VHS
- #41 (1994) The Maquis, Part 2 VHS
- #42 (1994) Wire VHS
- #43 (1994) Crossover VHS
- #44 (1994) Collaborator VHS
- #45 (1994) Tribunal VHS
- #46 (1994) The Jem'Hadar VHS
- #47 (1994) Search, Part 1 VHS
- #48 (1994) Search, Part 2 VHS
- #49 (1994) The House of Quark VHS
- #50 (1994) Equilibrium VHS
- #51 (1994) Second Skin VHS
- #52 (1994) The Abandoned VHS
- #53 (1994) Civil Defense VHS
- #54 (1994) Meridian VHS
- #55 (1994) Defiant VHS
- #56 (1994) Fascination VHS
- #57 (1995) Past Tense, Part 1 VHS
- #58 (1995) Past Tense, Part 2 VHS
- #59 (1995) Life Support VHS
- #60 (1995) Heart of Stone VHS
- #61 (1995) Destiny VHS
- #62 (1995) Prophet Motive VHS
- #63 (1995) Visionary VHS
- #64 (1995) Distant Voices VHS
- #65 (1995) Improbable Cause VHS
- #66 (1995) Through the Looking Glass VHS
- #67 (1995) The Die is Cast VHS
- #68 (1995) Explorers VHS
- #69 (1995) Family Business VHS
- #70 (1995) Shakaar VHS
- #71 (1995) Facets VHS
- #72 (1995) The Adversary VHS
- #73 & 74 (1995) The Way of the Warrior VHS
- #75 (1995) Hippocratic Oath VHS
- #76 (1995) The Visitor VHS
- #77 (1995) Indiscretion VHS
- #78 (1995) Rejoined VHS
- #79 (1995) Starship Down VHS
- #80 (1995) Little Green Men VHS
- #81 (1995) The Sword of Kahless VHS
- #82 (1995) Our Man Bashir VHS
- #83 (1996) Homefront VHS
- #84 (1996) Paradise Lost VHS
- #85 (1996) Crossfire VHS
- #86 (1996) Return to Grace VHS
- #87 (1996) The Sons of Mogh VHS
- #88 (1996) Bar Association VHS
- #89 (1996) Accession VHS
- #90 (1996) Rules of Engagement VHS
- #91 (1996) Hard Time VHS
- #92 (1996) Shattered Mirror VHS
- #93 (1996) The Muse VHS
- #94 (1996) For the Cause VHS
- #95 (1996) The Quickening VHS
- #96 (1996) To the Death VHS
- #97 (1996) Body Parts VHS
- #98 (1996) Broken Link VHS
- #99 (1996) Apocalypse Rising VHS
- #100 (1996) The Ship VHS
- #101 (1996) Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places VHS
- #102 (1996) ...Nor the Battle to the Strong VHS
- #103 (1996) Trials and Tribble-ations VHS
- #104 (1996) The Assignment VHS
- #105 (1996) Let He Who Is Without Sin.. VHS
- #106 (1996) Things Past VHS
- #107 (1996) The Ascent VHS
- #108 (1996) Rapture VHS
- #109 (1997) The Darkness and the Light VHS
- #110 (1997) The Begotten VHS
- #111 (1997) For the Uniform VHS
- #112 (1997) In Purgatory's Shadow VHS
- #113 (1997) By Inferno's Light VHS
- #114 (1997) Doctor Bashir, I Presume? VHS
- #115 (1997) A Simple Investigation VHS
- #116 (1997) Business as Usual VHS
- #117 (1997) Ties of Blood and Water VHS
- #118 (1997) Ferengi Love Songs VHS
- #119 (1997) Soldiers of the Empire VHS
- #120 (1997) Children of Time VHS
- #121 (1997) Blaze of Glory VHS
- #122 (1997) Empok Nor VHS
- #123 (1997) In the Cards VHS
- #124 (1997) Call to Arms VHS
- #125 (1997) A Time to Stand
- #126 (1997) Sons and Daughters
- #127 (1997) Rocks and Shoals
- #128 (1997) Behind the Lines
- #129 (1997) Favor the Bold
- #130 (1997) Sacrifice of Angels
- #131 (1997) You Are Cordially Invited...
- #132 (1997) Resurrection
- #133 (1997) Statistical Probabilities
- #134 (1998) The Magnificent Ferengi
- #135 (1998) Waltz
- #136 (1998) Who Mourns for Morn?
- #137 (1998) One Little Ship
- #138 (1998) Far Beyond the Stars
- #139 (1998) Honor Among Thieves
- #140 (1998) Change of Heart
- #141 (1998) Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
- #142 (1998) Inquisition
- #143 (1998) In the Pale Moonlight
- #144 (1998) His Way
- #145 (1998) The Reckoning
- #146 (1998) Valiant
- #147 (1998) Profit and Lace
- #148 (1998) Time's Orphan
- #149 (1998) The Sound of Her Voice
- #150 (1998) Tears of the Prophets
- #151 (1998) Image in the Sand
- #152 (1998) Shadows and Symbols
- #153 (1998) Afterimage
- #154 (1998) Take Me Out to the Holosuite
- #155 (1998) Chrysalis
- #156 (1998) Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
- #157 (1998) Once More Unto the Breach
- #158 (1998) The Siege of AR-558
- #159 (1998) Covenant
- #160 (1998) It's Only a Paper Moon
- #161 (1999) Prodigal Daughter
- #162 (1999) The Emperor's New Cloak
- #163 (1999) Field of Fire
- #164 (1999) Chimera
- #165 (1999) Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
- #166 (1999) Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
- #167 (1999) Penumbra
- #168 (1999) 'Til Death Do Us Part
- #169 (1999) Strange Bedfellows
- #170 (1999) The Changing Face of Evil
- #171 (1999) When It Rains...
- #172 (1999) Tacking Into the Wind
- #173 (1999) Extreme Measures
- #174 (1999) The Dogs of War
- #175 & 176 (1999) What You Leave Behind
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